Our professional materials and strong support system attracts the best teachers in the market! And this ensures a quality language learning system. This is because expert teachers + the best materials = motivated students who learn fast!
.:Company class English teachers!
.:Native English teachers with university degrees!
.:Highly experienced and qualified (TEFL/Cambridge/Celta)
.:Dynamic and motivated!
.:All our teachers benefit from the support of our books, materials and back-up team to guarantee professional English company classes.
We work with a team of highly-qualified professionals with a dedication to teaching.
I love working for Learn Hot English and I recommend it to any professional, qualified teacher who is looking for a great teaching experience.
“The teaching method that they've designed and developed is really effective."
“The materials give you, the teacher, hours of ready-to-go lessons and a great variety of activities to do in class.”
“You get differrent types of material depending on your students' needs."
“As a teacher, I like to get all the support I need from the academy I work for so I can give the best classes possible. Learn Hot English certainly delivers in this respect, and they helped me to learn a lot!"
Our native English teachers guarantee fast learning, providing your employees with the langauge they need for their sector. We offer the most effective method for learning English in company classes!
All our teachers are native English speakers.
As part of our company class offer, we provide our clients with attendance sheets and itemised bills.
We can also help you get subsidised credit through FUNDAE.
Our teachers will make you love your English classes!
We've created a team of responsible, hard-working, dedicated, professional and native-English teachers... all with experience and the relevant qualifications!
“I love using the materials at Learn Hot English, and helping students prepare for presentaitons or meetings.”
“Hi, I´m Caitlyn. I was born and raised in sunny South Africa to British parents. I have been teaching for just over 4 years. I enjoy helping my students reach their goals and work on their confidence when speaking English.”
“I´m Cristina, and I´m a chemical engineer with diplomas in Translation and Teaching English as a Second Language. I believe that classes should be entertaining so that learners feel motivated, develop self-confidence, and feel comfortable with the language. ”
“I'm Renn from Hawaii. I studied at the University of Hawai'i Maui College. I've been teaching ESL for 10 years and I love giving students dynamic, fun and productive classes. ”
Request a quote for company classesa and get 12 FREE copies of our fantastic magazine, Learn Hot English!
Request your quote now!
Our classes with Hot English and Blackboard Systems have been really positive. The native language teachers are experienced, knowledgeable and dynamic, the service is excellent, and the materials are absolutely perfect for all our needs.
Thanks to Hot English, we’ve been able to achieve all our language learning objectives. I’d highly recommend any business or company that’s looking for a professional, reliable company for their language learning training to get in touch with them!
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Paseo de Extremadura, 21
Planta 1, oficina 1ª
28011, Madrid, España
Tel: (0034) 91 455 0273
Carrer Roser, 65 , 1-1, 08004 Barcelona
Tel: 678749153
E-mail: classes@learnhotenglish.com
Skype: teacher.coordinator