Thanks to our rigorous teacher selection process, and to our top-quality materials, levels of attendance for our in-company language training programs is much higher than that of our competitors.
Our students feel motivated to attend class throughout the academic year. This ensures fast and effective progress.
Native-English teachers with lots of experience.
The quality of our teaching materials helps our teachers carry out their job more efficiently and effectively. In turn, this attracts the best professionals from the English teaching market year after year.
Our materials are of the highest quality. This ensures fast learning, and motivated students and teachers. As you all know, quality attracts talent!
We believe in providing structured training!
Our content provides structure to our training programs, allowing us to track progress, and provide exams to check just how well are students are learning English! This guarantees a great ROI on your investment in your employees' skills development.
Our very own materials that you'll just love using!
Our materials really do the job! We've been working on our materials for over 20 years now, constantly updating them according to comments and opinions by other students and teachers.
Some of the biggest publishing houses in the world have put their faith in our content creation team: Santillana, Richmond Publishing, SM, MacMillan, Pearson… So, how about you too?
Request a quote for company classes and get 12 FREE copies of our fantastic magazine, Learn Hot English.
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Motivated students for the whole course
Do you want to see for yourself why our classes are so great? Request a FREE trial class for your company.
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Paseo de Extremadura, 21
Planta 1, oficina 1ª
28011, Madrid, España
Tel: (0034) 91 455 0273
Carrer Roser, 65 , 1-1, 08004 Barcelona
Tel: 678749153
Skype: teacher.coordinator