Phrasal Verb Conversations!
Hi there! You know, native English speakers use phrasal verbs all the time. So, if you know the meaning of the most common phrasal verbs, you’ll be able to follow conversations much more easily. But how can you learn them?
Well, I’ve got a great way for you to learn phrasal verbs. The trick is to learn them in topic areas, and then to hear them in conversations. I’ve seen over the years that this is the best way to teach them and learn them; and I’ve seen how much easier it is for my students when this happens. So, that’s what I’ll show you with this fantastic product. And by the end of the course, you’ll have learnt 250 really useful phrasal verbs. Click here to see a free sample!
Then, when you use them in convesation, you’ll sound more natural. So, instead of saying this:
• “I’m going to be with some friends at Jenny’s house this afternoon.”
You’ll say something like this:
• “I’m going to hang out with some friends at Jenny’s house this afternoon.”
The thing is, not using phrasal verbs can sometimes make you sound a little formal, or in certain circumstances, robotic.
If you don’t learn the meaning of phrasal verbs, you could find yourself in embarrassing situations.
Imagine you’re at a concert and someone shouts, “My husband has passed out!” What’s she saying? That her husband has passed an exam? That’s he’s left the concert? She is in fact saying that he’s unconscious (he’s passed out)! But if you didn’t know what “pass out” meant, you wouldn’t be able to help.
But the problem is, phrasal verbs aren’t that easy to learn. Here are a few phrasal verbs with the verb to make:
- Make up (invent)
- Make out (see, perceive)
- Make off with (steal)
These phrasal verbs all have the same verb (to make), but the particles (up, out, off with) can completely change the meanings.
So, how are you going to learn phrasal verbs? You can study long lists of phrasal verbs with the same verb. But you won’t learn anything that way. And they’ll be impossible to remember.
What’s the solution?
Well, we can help with our little SECRET!
The secret to learning phrasal verbs is to group them in topic areas and to listen to them in CONVERSATIONS!
Our Phrasal Verb CONVERSATIONS course is unique because we group them into topic areas and include them in CONVERSATIONS, making a really big difference to how quickly and effectively you will learn them – GUARANTEED! Click here to see a FREE sample!
This is different to anything else you will find you’ll learn common phrasal verbs in a range of different topic areas, for example, for relationships, meetings, money, the phone… This makes them so much easier to remember.
I’ll only teach you the most useful phrasal verbs. Plus, the images will help you remember them easily too!
However, in order to truly learn a new word or expression, you need to hear it repeated in several situations. And this is why we put our phrasal verbs in conversations, so you can see how native speakers use them.
On top of that, there are exercises and speaking activities with the phrasal verbs, so you can practise using them as well.
This fantastic video course will teach you more than 250 phrasal verbs effortlessly – just by watching the videos.
It’s ideal for anyone at an intermediate level and above who wants to start sounding more like a native English speaker.
Simply watch the video and do the oral exercises with your own personal online teacher! There’s no need for any writing – just listen, respond and learn!
Sign up for our Phrasal Verb CONVERSATIONS course, you get your 23 videos on phrasal verbs grouped into topics.
PLUS 2 free gifts:
1 free Phrasal Verbs eBook worth €12.
1 free magazine worth €5.
All this for just €40
… when you buy both courses, you get your 46 videos on phrasal verbs grouped into topics and in conversations. PLUS 4 free gifts:
- 2 free Phrasal Verbs eBooks (eBooks 1 and 2) worth €24.
- 2 free magazines worth €10.
So much for just €70
100% satisfaction guarantee!
We know you’ll love our Phrasal Verb CONVERSATIONS video course, and we know you’ll learn a lot, but just in case you aren’t 100% satisfied, send us an e-mail and we’ll refund you within 24 hours!
Are you ready to learn 100s of English phrasal verbs quickly and easily? Click below to sign up TODAY!