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How to talk about health and fitness in English!

What do you do to keep fit and healthy?

Do you go to the gym? Do you go jogging? Do you go swimming?

There are lots of ways to stay fit! In this lesson, we’re going to look at some useful words for talking about health and fitness. And then we’re going to watch a video conversation with these words so you can learn them more easily!

By the way, conversations are a GREAT way to learn a language. Why? Because the language in conversations is the type of language that you can use when you’re speaking English too! So, are you ready? Let’s go!


Here are some useful words that appear in the video.

To go jogging

If you “go jogging”, you run as a form of exercise: “I went jogging for 10 kilometres.”

To keep fit

If you “keep fit”, you do exercise and eat well so your body is strong and healthy: “I go swimming to keep fit.”

To gain weight

If you “gain weight”, you become a bit fatter: “I’ve gained a bit of weight.”

To take a class / to go to a class

If you “take a class” (or “go to a class”), you attend that class so you can learn something or do some exercise: “I’ve been taking an aerobics class.”

A diet

Your “diet” is the type of food you eat regularly: “I’m trying to cut sugar out my diet.”

Carbs / carbohydrates

Food with a lot of carbohydrates include bread, pasta, rice, cakes…: “I’m trying to eat fewer carbs.”


“Dairy” products are things made from milk such as cheese, yoghurt, etc.: “What dairy products do you eat during the day?”

A workout

If you have a “workout”, you do some exercise: “I had a great workout at the gym.”

To keep moving

If you “keep moving”, you continue moving, walking, running, being active…: “If you want to get fit, just keep moving!”

Video conversation

You’re going to watch two people talking about health and fitness. Watch the video and answer these questions. [answers below]

  1. What two classes is Alice taking?
  2. What has she eliminated from her diet?
  3. When does she have sweets?
  4. What exercise does she get at the office where she works?
  5. How does she get to work if it isn’t raining?


PS It’s important to watch the video once without stopping. Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything – just try to get the gist of what they say (a general understanding of it). This will really help with your listening skills.

Watching & reading!

Now watch the video and read the script (see below) at the same time. This is great for your listening skills!


Now talk about this topic with a friend or classmate. Make notes and try to use as much of the new language as you can.

Video script

Joel: You look excellent!
Alice: Oh stop, thank you!
J: What have you been doing to keep fit?
A: Well, I gained a little weight over the holidays, and so I knew I needed to do something about it, so I started taking some spinning classes. [Spinning classes!] Yes, as well as yoga.
J: And yoga too?
A: Yeah, I go to classes, and I do it at my house in the evenings.
J: OK, and have you modified your diet or anything?
A: Yes, I try to eat mostly fruits, vegetables, and like chicken or fish for the most part–no carbs or dairy.
J: OK, so you’ve chosen to eliminate some things. What about sweets?
A: Only on the weekends.
J: On the weekends you have some.
A: On the weekends yes, a little chocolate, a piece of cake.
J: OK good, and in your house do you have an elevator, or [No.] do you use the stairs?
A: I only take the stairs to my flat, as well as at work, and I work on the 8th floor. [OK, excellent.] It’s hard in the mornings, but it’s a great way to start the day.
J: So you have a lot of workouts every day?
A: Yes, and I try to bike to work or walk to work if it’s not raining.
J: Excellent! Yeah, so you’re always working out, no wonder you look so incredible!
A: Oh, thank you! You just gotta keep moving!
J: OK, take me with you! Please!


  1. What two classes is Alice taking? She’s taking spinning and yoga classes.
  2. What has she eliminated from her diet? She has eliminated carbs and dairy products from her diet.
  3. When does she have sweets? She only has sweets on the weekends.
  4. What exercise does she get at the office where she works? She walks up to her office on the 8th floor.
  5. How does she get to work if it isn’t raining? She goes by bike or on foot (walking).


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