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9 tips on how to give a presentation in English

Have you ever given a presentation? How many people did you talk to? How did it go?

It’s never easy to give a presentation. And preparing for it takes a lot of time and energy.

Of course, doing a presentation in English is even more difficult. In other lessons, we’ve looked at the language of presentations. However, in this video, we’re looking at some really useful top tips. These will help you give a motivating and memorable presentation that your listeners will really appreciate.

Anyway, we hope you enjoy watching this short video on 9 tips on how to give a great presentation in English, and we’re sure you’ll find it all really useful.


Watch the video as many times as you like. Then, see if you can complete the sentences below with the correct words. Good luck! [answers below]

 1 The first thing you need to do is decide how to open your presentation and _______ the audience’s attention.
2 In order to do this, you could start with a joke, a quote, a surprising statistic or a _______.
3 When preparing your presentation, try to limit it to just 3 key _______.
4 This is a great number as it’s an easy amount of information for the _______ to process.
5 To help your audience understand your message, use _______.
6 For example, you could find an illustration for each of your 3 _______.
7 Mmm… absolutely. Try to come across as really positive. You can do this through your body _______…
8 …by standing up straight, smiling and making good eye _______.

Read & watch!

Now, watch the video and read the script at the same time. This is great for developing your listening skills.

 Video script

Hi, I’m Rachel – a teacher at Learn Hot English.

And I’m Nate – another teacher at Learn Hot English.

In this video, we’re going to give you 9 quick tips on how to give a great presentation in English.

1 The start!

The first thing you need to do is decide how to open your presentation and grab the audience’s attention. In order to do this, you could start with a joke, a quote, a surprising statistic or a story.

2 Three messages!

When preparing your presentation, try to limit it to just 3 key messages. This is a great number as it’s an easy amount of information for the audience to process.

3 Images!

To help your audience understand your message, use images. For example, you could find an illustration for each of your 3 points.

4 Be positive!

Mmm… absolutely. Try to come across as really positive. You can do this through your body language: by standing up straight, smiling and making good eye contact.

5 Share stories!

To make your presentation interesting and really bring it to life, share some personal anecdotes. This is a great way of bonding with the audience. For example, you could use your experiences to illustrate a point.

6 Engage!

To keep your presentation interesting, engage with the audience every 10 minutes or so. This will ensure that it isn’t just you talking all the time. In order to do this, you could ask for a show of hands, play a video or get the audience on their feet for a little activity.

7 Cue cards!

To help you keep to schedule, use cue cards with key words on them. However, avoid looking down at your notes too much – it’s important to maintain eye contact with the audience at all times.

8 Speak clearly!

To make sure everyone can hear and understand you properly, speak slowly, clearly and confidently. Above all, don’t mumble.

9 The ending!

And finally, the ending, which is just as important as the start. One great thing is to link the ending to the beginning. So, you could refer back to something you said at the start of the presentation. Or you could create a memorable ending with a story, a quote or a call to action, such as asking the audience to follow a link for a free report.

Good luck with your presentations! Bye!



  1. grab; 2. story; 3. messages; 4. audience; 5. images; 6. points; 7. language; 8. contact

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