English conversations: Making requests & asking questions in English!
When we speak with other people, we often need to ask them questions, or make a request in English (ask for something we want or need).
When we do this, we sometimes first explain the situation, and then ask a question or make a request.
For example:
- I’m having a few problems doing the homework. Could you help me, please?
Or, we could do it the other way by asking a question first, and then explaining
the situation. For example:
- Would you like something to make your life in the kitchen that much easier? [Yes!]
Then, I’ve got the gadget for you!
In these videos with conversations, you’ll see some examples of people doing these things.
By the way, conversations are a great way to learn English. When people talk together, they generally use quite basic but very useful language. And the words and expressions they use are useful for you too! So, by listening to conversations, you’ll learn how to speak more fluently too. For this fun video activity, simply watch the conversation clips and answer the questions. Good luck!
Level: Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate (B1-B2)
Video activity
You’re going to watch some video clips from our fantastic online Complete English Course! Watch the video and try to answer the questions that appear at the start of each clip.
Here are the questions for you to answer. [answers below]
- What does the man on the left want to do this weekend?
- What is the salesman in the shop offering customers?
- Why is Rachel calling her friends?
- What question is the presenter going to ask people in the street?
Watch & read!
After you’ve finished, watch the video and read the script at the same time. This is great for developing your listening skills as you can see the relationship between the spoken and written words.
Video script
Clip 1
Customer: Good Morning!
Man: Good Morning
Woman: How can we help you?
Customer: I’d like to hang up a picture this weekend at some point, and, er, I was
wondering if you guys could help me?
Man: Hang up a picture, you say? (Yeah, that’s right.) How big?
Customer: Er…
Clip 2
Salesman: Blenders! Blenders! Who wants to buy a new blender? Sir, madam, are you
looking to buy a new blender today?
Woman: No.
Salesman: Are you going to be doing any cooking in the kitchen this week?
Man: Yes!
Woman: Yes.
Salesman: Would you like something to make your life in the kitchen that much easier?
Man: Yes!
Woman: Yes…
Salesman: Then, I’ve got the perfect gadget for you!
Clip 3
Friends: Hello?
Rachel: Hey, guys!
Friends: Hey, Rach, what’s up?
Rachel: Hey! I was just calling because I really miss you guys, and I just wanted to
catch up! Oh, my goodness, I…
Friends: How are you?
Rachel: Really good! Erm, I have been doing a lot lately. I, erm, have been traveling, I
Clip 4
Presenter: Welcome to the show! Today’s topic is the lottery. We’re going out to the
street to ask people what they would do if they won the lottery. Let’s hear what they
have to say!
Woman: If I won the lottery…
The Complete English Course
By the way, these clips come from of the Mid-Level of The Complete English Course. Our 3-level online course will ensure you make real progress, improve all areas of English at the same time and increase your English level. Each level will improve your Speaking, Pronunciation, Listening, Reading, Vocabulary and Writing. For more information on this fantastic course and to try some sample lessons, please visit: https://learnhotenglish.com/product/complete-english-course/
- What does the man on the left want to do this weekend? He wants to hang up a picture.
- What is the salesman in the shop offering customers? He’s offering them a blender.
- Why is Rachel calling her friends? She says that she misses them and she wants to catch up (to find out the latest news).
- What question is the presenter going to ask people in the street? She’s going to ask them what they would do if they won the lottery.